Home › Electrical Engineering Forum › General Discussion › Need help : project from my Town Hall to install charging stations for electric vehicle › Re: Need help : project from my Town Hall to install charging stations for electric vehicle
2011/01/14 at 9:43 am
How much I have correctly understood you it is a question about installations of an alternative electricity (solar batteries or wind generators). If it so that I suggest to make approximate account of expenditures:
– In general all enumerated manufacturers are good, create the so-called preliminary project. Specify in it what there should be an approximate power (power can be counted up so what in the given place consumers use, for example street illumination lightings on the average have power from 500W to 1500 W., buildings etc. to count their amount and to combine (for example 10 lightings on 1000W it is equaled 10000W or 10кW)) what its purpose where recognise schedule it to mount,
– After predesign send these data on different manufacturers (necessarily specify that it at present only preliminary data), specify that equipment cost (a cable, substation, the switching centre), a working costs (installations) and project cost (circuits, draughts, use specifications) is necessary to you
– Count electric power expenditure at present, these plants (for which recognise schedule to mount a new electric equipment), take approximately the period for five years.
– The obtained data compare, for example manufacturers I offer the first
The first (a total cost of the project) 100000$
The second 125000$
The third 150000$
Electric power expenditures for five years for example 100000$
Then it will be visible is to mount sense, how much it will be favourable.
As you will see cost of manufacturers under what price offer.
– After that when be defined with manufacturers, will send to the manufacturer the missive. The manufacturer should send the representative to you that it could make correct accounts and co-ordinate all your wishes.
Basically and all difficult is not present anything. Only it is necessary to try.