Re: electrical design engineering books/info

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion electrical design engineering books/info Re: electrical design engineering books/info

Alen Matanovic

Dear Jennifer,

here's a very usefull web site that can provide You various e-books..

You can simply start searching for “Electrical power systems” or lest say “Electric Power Transformer Engineering ” or even “Control of Induction Motors”……. Anything You may want to know…….


I supose there are also other similiar sites, but this has really large data base, many up-to-date books (from various areas) and provides You with a ISBN number, link to buy on Amazon (or etc. sites),, but You can also search for “mirror links” so You can download for free :) ..

(P.S. if some book You found have no mirror links, You may want to search for another with same title,, because people do “reposting” for those books)


Anyways, the site is : [Link removed by moderator team] so feel free to share Your opinion about how usefull You find it ;) ..


Cheers,, Alen..

(P.S. Please note that links to illegal downloads will be removed from this forum. – Moderator Team)