Electrical Safety
Let's focus on the content articles published in the Electrical Safety category for this May 2017 newsletter. Some of them have been kindly submitted by the members of the Electrical Engineering Community.

Here's a short selection of 3 of the latest articles:
1. Ground Fault Protection
2. Protection against voltage spikes in LV systems
3. Why a Preventive Maintenance Plan of CBs is a good idea
If you would like to publish an article in the blog in the Electrical Safety category, just tell us by mail. You can even post directly on the forum! You can write about whatever you want (debate, tutorial, product review, your observations, your opinion as an engineer or student, etc.).
Thanks in advance for your active contribution to our community,
The moderator team.

This month let us introduce you one of our community members: Patricia
A final year student in Electrical Engineering
From Cameroon
Interested in in power construction lines, transmission and distribution
Visits the Electrical Engineering Community on a regular basis because it helps her stay tuned of new evolution and technologies and explains also what she does and sees everyday practically
To her opinion, the community of electrical engineers is not well represented online as compared to electronics engineers. On LinkedIn for example there are few groups in electricity (power lines) but a lot in electronics. Forums like the one from the Electrical Engineering Blog are the best places to find solutions in general but even there... people are looking for solutions and new strategies to deal with electricity everyday but there are few places to have such information.
If you want your profile to appear in the next newsletter, tell us by mail
3 different ways to improve Power Factor |
Power factor is a very common term in electrical applications because it determines the efficiency of an electrical system.
It is quite important that the power factor remains close to unity because it indicates higher efficiency of the system. What are the 3 different ways to improve the power factor which are widely used in industrial systems?
What's your opinion on this article? To read or post any other method to improve PF, go to the comments section.
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Common problems in medium voltage switchgear |
As protection is the first concern in power systems design, companies spare no effort to upgrade protection devices to better, safer, smarter and more efficient devices.
This is obvious at a glance in the development of switchgear. Probably you know what switchgear is, but do you know the reason why it got this name? Or what are the most encountered problems in MV switchgear?
What are the common problems in MV switchgear? Read this article to find out!
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Electrical wiring project: 5 tips to stay motivated |
In a wiring project, like many others type of projects, it is common to be discouraged and find yourself deeply stressed about final results. Too much stress can lead to inappropriate and bad quality works. It is therefore important to know what to do in such situations.
Let's talk about some of the problems you can face and what to do to overcome them.
What do you think of Patricia's tips to stay motivated during a wiring project? Do you have more tips or stories to share?
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