Here are the most popular articles published on the blog in 2011.
We ranked them in terms of traffic (Nb of visits) and also in terms of exchange quality (Nb of comments).
Best electrical calculation review
This article is a comparison between 4 commonly used electrical calculation software. 8900 visits and 34 comments, the record both for visits & number of comments !
Based on this article and your feedbacks, we also have created a sharing page with restricted access for members who want to share their own calculation tools. Click the link to know more.
Panel builders are all cheaters?
This article is about motor starters wiring accessories, their interest to reduce wiring time for control panels, and why they seem to be still rarely used. 3600 visits and 21 comments.
High Voltage: circuit breaker is cheaper!
A comparison between HV fuses and circuit breakers solutions for transformers protection, along the life cycle of the installation. 2600 visits and 11 comments.
IT earthing system: FOR or AGAINST?
This article is about IT earthing system, its advantages and its drawbacks, the applications where it is highly recommended ... 2450 visits and 9 comments.
Understand electrical circuit – comparison with water system
This article is about an interesting comparison using water system principles to explain in a very simple way the basics of electrical circuits. 2100 visits, no comments.
Arc Flash: are NFPA 70E and IEEE1584 dangerous?
This recent article already has had a significant interest: it is about Arc Flash risks, the existing standards in USA and their possible limits, and about the fact that there are no similar standards in the rest of the world (should there be one?) 2000 visits and 13 comments.
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The Electrical Engineering Community is giving you, as a present, the "best of 2011" |
| We selected on the left the most popular and active articles for year 2011. |
To conclude the year 2011, we give you some information about the Electrical Engineering Community evolutions and animation.
As you can see below, our community has continued to grow and expand very fast in 2011:
Nb of visits: 406 000
Nb of page views: 985 000
We have published 25 articles on the Blog, from existing and new contributors.
The forum, started in April 2010, has been growing very fast this year:Nb of topics: 563
Nb of posts: 2011 (just like the year ;-)
We have also initiated new ways to share information and knowledge among our community:
the Load Shedding Guide, which has been downloaded >2000 times.
the sharing page with restricted access, for members who are ready to share their own electrical calculations tools.
We thank you for your participation and contributions to this community, and are as usual fully open to receive your propositions of articles for the blog, suggestions of improvements, willingness to help by becoming a Moderator yourself ... just send us a mail so tell us.
Best wishes
Moderator team