Short-circuit arc flash risks
In the US, a regulation exists to protect maintenance people from the risks of short circuit arc flash: NFPA 70E and IEEE1584.
but outside US, do you feel concerned today by short-ciruit arc flash risks ?
1. No
2. Yes, for my customers
3. Yes, for myself
As to our knowledge there is no existing regulation outside US (UK, maybe?), we invite you to share your concerns (in comments to the article linked), as a designer, end-user, maintenance person ...
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This month we present you one of our active forum members: Manh_hoa09
An electrical engineer in the Ponovo Company in Vietnam.
Supplies solutions for increasing power quality.
Enjoys the engineering community because of the knowledge being shared.
Able to receive answers very quickly from community members.
Has already started 4 topics in the forum..
Link to Manh_hoa09 profile on the forum
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Community news |
To keep enhancing the sharing between our community members, we have just opened a new area to share Electrical Calculation tools between members. These are Electrical Calculation tools (Excel sheets...) developed by some of you, who agreed to share their tool with other members. Share your tool now and get access to other members tools !
We also remind you that we opened a dedicated forum topic to discuss load shedding applications, products... there has been no discussions there yet, though the Load shedding guide was donwloaded by >1500 people!! Your comments are really welcome to encourage us to create similar guides in the future! | |
News Forum of the month |
We have more and more people who register to become members of our community forum:
already 7665 members
which means 801 more members in one month
500 topics, for a total of 1779 posts