Google Powermeter: a real potential for Google or just a side project?

When I search for "power meter" inside Google, the first result
I get is, just guess ... Google powermeter!

But when I look at the website describing Google powermeter,
I find it, to be honest, rather "poor": there are only few utility partners and very few device partners to Google powermeter as of now.

So I wonder if Google powermeter will just remain a side project for Google.

And you, do you think Google will become a major actor on energy usage and smart grid applications?

> yes
> no

Our FORUM keeps growing fast!

1350 members members last month, over 1750 now ... that's about 13 new members every day!
Welcome to all the newcomers!

Top 5 posters of the forum until today: françois, electricalexpert65, x-tst, NV Mani and farah.

See below some of the current active discussions:

Best electrical calculation software review

Following discussions on the forum, you will find in this article the comparison I started to create between 4 electrical calculation software, used for the design and calculation of electrical installation, based on my own experience.

I would be glad to get complementary information and opinions from other users of such electrical software.

The comparison presents the following electrical calculation software:

- XLpro2 Calcul software from Legrand 1.3
- Simaris Design 5.0 from Siemens
- MyEcodial L 3.4 from Schneider Electric
- Caneco BT 5.3 from ALPI (software editor)


We need moderators for our Forum

With already 77 topics discussed and 347 Posts, we need to invite more moderators to help us create sub-sections and moderate them.

You want to become one of our Moderators?
You have some idea of subsection you would be ready to moderate?

==> you are interested, send us a mail

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