Re: why does capacitor supply reactive power?

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion why does capacitor supply reactive power? Re: why does capacitor supply reactive power?

Spir Georges GHALI

Vidhyut S. said:

We all know that capacitor supplies reactive power and Inductor consumes it.

How does this happen?

Why capacitor can't consume reactive power?

Dear ;


First, we know all the Capacitors are ” Loads “ that consume a reactive current, so, the Capacitors are not generator to supply any kind of power.


Assume that we have a pure inductive load and a Capacitor installed to the network, in this case we have the following currents :

     – An Inductive current for the inductive load, where this current is ” leading ” by 90°

     – A Reactive current for the capacitor load, where this current is ” lagging ” by 90°

so, the vectorial sum for these 2 currents is depending on the value of each one, if the value of the Inductive current is bigger than the Reactive current, the sum will be smaller than the inductive current, that seems as the capacitor supplies the reactive power to the inductive load.

