Re: Power factor correction kvar policy in countries

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion Power factor correction kvar policy in countries Re: Power factor correction kvar policy in countries


I am an Electrical Engineer in the USA and I don’t understand your Comments.

1) Electrical rates in the USA do not vary by State, they vary by a) Power company, b) and the type of consumer – for example, residential, industrial or commercial, and even within these there are several types of rates. One power company may supply power to several States or there may be several power companies in one State. Furthermore, rates often vary by the amount of power consumed, the time of day and often the season. Only very rarely are poor power factor penalties charged to residential users. Lastly, electric rates are not set by the States but by the power companies under the oversight and approval of the responsible Public Service Commission.

2) What do you mean with your $3 per KVAR comment? Actually, the most common way that power companies impose the power factor penalty is by charging for KVA-HRs used rather than KW-Hrs.