Re: Diversity factor

Spir Georges GHALI

ikram shehzad said:

Dear all,

              can anybody explain diversity factor. what is it,s defination. please tell me briefly. i have no concept about this.

Dera Mr. Ikram ;


The ” Deversity Fcator – Kd ” or the ” Simultaniety Factor – Ks ” are the same, and we apply this factor to ” Panels “ not to each load.

This factor means : if we have a panel with 10 different loads, certainly these loads don't cosume in the same time 100% of their powers, because some of them consume 80%, another 100%, other 65%, so, the percantage of the Diversity Fcator means the percentage of the loads that comsume in the same time 100% of their powers.

By experience, we use the following percentages :

– For ” 3 ” Loads or Outgoing : 0.90

– For ” 5 ” Loads or Outgoing : 0.80

– For ” 9 ” Loads or Ourgoing : 0.70

– For ” 10 or more ” loads or Outgoing : 0.60

