Re: design harmonic filter bank for new factory

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion design harmonic filter bank for new factory Re: design harmonic filter bank for new factory

Spir Georges GHALI

Dear ;


Adding to the parameters of Mr. Reihan, I want to add the following :

As it's a new factory, you have 2 possibilities :

– If the factory is just running, you can mesure the Harmonics that you have, then will decide whcich harminocs should be eliminated by Filters.

– If the factory is not running yet, you should know for each harmonics generator products the ” Harmonics Spectrum ” that you can obtain from the products' producers, then you will have a good idea about the hamonics & their levels once the factory runs, then will decide whcich harminocs should be eliminated by Filters


in all cas, you should absolutly know the harmonics and their levels to decide what you should be done, because in some cases where the levels of some harmonics are low, we can do nothing for them as the costs of filters wre heigh or veru heigh depending on the current level's of each hamonics shold be eliminated.




Spir Georges GHALI