Re: Create a simple on-line calculator to evaluate cost savings obtained with Power Factor correction

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion Create a simple on-line calculator to evaluate cost savings obtained with Power Factor correction Re: Create a simple on-line calculator to evaluate cost savings obtained with Power Factor correction


We have now chosen a name for this project: PowerFacAging calculator.

Why this name?

Well, “PowerFac” stands for … Power Factor of course !

With “Aging” at the end because to make a fair estimation of the savings, it is important to look at the complete life cycle of the capacitor banks and their real efficiency to compensate :

* capacitors are a bit like batteries, charging and discharging them makes them progressively less efficient, they are getting older and at some moment might not be able to compensate properly anymore

* the electrical installation itself will most probably evolve along the time (new loads added …), making the existing capacitor bank no more adapted to the new installation requirements, if it is not upgraded

To keep you posted with this project, below is a first idea of the typical result which we want the tool to provide:
* a clear view of the yearly cost savings obtained when installing PFC
* an estimation of investment cost and payback time (not yet implemented here)
* and also an idea of how these cost savings will evolve during installation time


==> please tell us what you think about it


Moderator team


PowerFacAging calculator results