Home › Electrical Engineering Forum › General Discussion › calculations of 3-phase motors and sizes of wires to be used, including respective breakers in every motor › Re: calculations of 3-phase motors and sizes of wires to be used, including respective breakers in every motor
2010/09/26 at 5:15 am
P(kW) = HP x 0.746
I = P *10^3 / (1,73*400*0,8)
P=5,6 kW => I=10, A ; wire 2,5 mm2, Circuit breaker In=10A
P=7,5 kW => I=13,5 A ; wire 2,5 mm2, Circuit breaker In=16A
P=11 kW => I=19,9 A ; wire 4 mm2, Circuit breaker In=20A
P=15 kW => I=27 A ; wire 6 mm2, Circuit breaker In=32A
P=18,6 kW => I=33,6; ; wire 6 mm2, Circuit breaker In=40A
P=57,7 kW => I=104,2 A ; wire 25 mm2, Circuit breaker In=125A