Re: Best electrical calculation software review

Home Electrical Engineering Forum General Discussion Best electrical calculation software review Re: Best electrical calculation software review


Laurent said:


I used Caneco in a previous job, and I was not aware it was possible to place LV Genset anywhere in teh network

==> is it a new functionality?

==> if not, do you have a demo available somewhere which shows this functionality?

Hello Laurent,

LV Genset source supply can be placed anywhere in the network since Caneco BT 4.4 version (2002).
Since Caneco BT 5.1.6 (2006), this genset can supply several boards in various point of the network.

In order to select connexion point for a board, just use Supplies / Standby connection menu as shown in this screen-shot:

Selecting Caneco BT standby connection


I keep at disposal for any further information.

Laurent Berthelin
ALPI Sales Manager (Caneco BT software editor)