Re: ACB and VCB setting

Spir Georges GHALI

ikram shehzad said:

Dear all,

                is ther any body who can tell me about the setting of ACB(air circuit breaker ). what kind of it,s setting is and how to do it,s setting. also please tell me the setting of VCB(vaccume circuit breaker) . please tell me their setting,s.

i will b very thank ful to all of u.

Thank,s and Regard,s.

Muhammed Ikram.

Dear Mr. Ikram ;



They are Circuit Breakes, but the volume of tripping is done in a small empty room that means inside this room there's nothing, becuase in the standard circuit breakers the tripping is done in Air. This technology is using for MV circuit breakers and useed also from some companies for low voltage circuit breakers, and I thing for LV it's finiched.

