PowerFacAging Calculator project: why no interest?

Let's be direct: our team is very disappointed, because it seems that very few of you are interested by our PowerFacAging calculator project: remember, in our last 2 newsletters we told about this idea to develop a Power Factor calculation tool focused on the Energy savings obtained when installing capacitor banks.

So our debate this month is:

Why did our Power Factor Correction calculator arouse no interest for you? Or are you interested?

> NOT interested because there is no power factor correction in your installation
> NOT interested because Energy savings is not in your job scope
> You ARE interested with the next steps
> Other

Thanks in advance for your contribution to the community knowledge sharing !

This month we present you one of our active forum members: Smorkos

He Lives in Beirut (Lebanon) where he is Head of Department at Debbas Industries since June 1997. This company designs, manufactures and sells low voltage panel-boards, control panels & medium voltage switchgears for the whole MEP projects inside and outside Lebanon.

He is particularly interested in low voltage panel-boards & motor control centers and all other subjects in Electrical design. He estimates that our community is very interesting, and he finds sometimes useful information. He says he visits the Electrical Engineering blog and forum each time he receives a new e-mail from the community. He likes to participate to the forum discussions because it talks about business he is interested in. Smorkos has been member of the electrical engineering community since august 2010 and he has participated 4 times in the forum.

Would you like to be introduced to the community? Do not hesitate to contact us at engineering@electrical-equipment.org

Link to Smorkos' profile on the forum (you must be logged in to view member profiles)

Which thermal imaging cameras for the electricians?
An attractive tool, the thermal imaging camera is now accessible to all companies. It is for the electrician an ally that accompanies him in his missions. But to take full advantage of thermal imaging, it is required to gain a minimum of knowledge and common sense on some physics considerations, in order to make the right choice.


Forum news

We need your help !

If you can answer one of the questions below, just take 5 minutes to do it : the person asking may become the one to answer YOUR questions in the future !

1. Unknown flow of current
2. Which cable(wire) 0.4kV copper or aluminum do you use when installing the cable 0.4kV in the ground?
3. IEC60364-7-707 Replacement
4. Symmetrical components help

Thanks in advance for your active contribution to our community

Moderator team

News Forum of the month
We have more and more people who register to become members of our community forum.
  • already 11640 members
  • which means around 580 new members in the last two months
  • 635 topics, for a total of 2262 posts

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