What is the cheapest solution for MV/LV transformer protection,
when you consider the complete cost after some years of opearation?

1. MV circuit-breaker solution is cheaper
2. MV fuse solution is cheaper


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  • An electrical engineer in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Mainly interested in electrical installations design, switchgear & protections
  • Visits the forum once or twice a day, has made 28 posts and started 4 topics
  • Believes the forum permits him to gain a lot of technical knowledge

    Link to Ally Kanyondo profile on the forum

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    Arc Flash: are NFPA 70E and IEEE1584 dangerous?

    In this article, Günther Müller explains the serious doubts he has regarding the real improvements provided by these US regulations for the protection of maintenance people against Arc Flash risks.

    And he also wonders if there is any similar (or rather better!) regulations, surveys or recommendations about Arc Flash risks in other countries than the US.


    Forum topics with no answer yet !

    We need your help !

    If you can answer one of the questions below, just take 5 minutes to do it : the person asking may become the one to answer YOUR questions in the future !

    1. Energy Efficient Wireless Communication
    2. H-frame tower
    3. Why does capacitor supply reactive power?
    4. Inrush current in transformer
    5. 3 phase load loss of transformer
    6. Improving energy efficiency via proper cable sizig

    Thanks in advance for your active contribution to our community

    Moderators team

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  • which means 500 more members in two months
  • 468 topics, for a total of 1673 posts

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